Distributed Ledger Technology for Tamper-Proof Evidence

  • Forschungsthema:DLT, Blockchain, Consumer Rights (Verbraucherschutz)
  • Typ:Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit
  • Datum:ab sofort
  • Betreuung:

    Ullrich, Meike und Malekzadeh Mahani, Marzieh

  • Zusatzfeld:

    Die Arbeit kann je nach Wunsch in deutscher oder englischer Sprache verfasst werden

  • Objective: To design, develop, and evaluate a DLT-based system for collecting, storing, and verifying digital evidence in consumer rights violations, such as false product claims or copyright violations.

    Research Focus: Design a technical architecture using DLT (e.g., blockchain or DAG) to capture digital evidence like content, URLs, and timestamps.

    Key Deliverables:

    • A working prototype of a DLT-based evidence system.
    • An evaluation of the system’s ability to meet legal requirements for evidence admissibility in civil courts.


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