Applied Computer Science - Modeling


Modeling is of central importance for many aspects in the context of complex information systems: e.g. in the context of systems to be developed to understand their functionality or in the context of existing systems to support their maintenance and further development.

Modeling, especially modeling of information systems, is the focus of this lecture. The lecture is essentially divided into two parts. The first part deals with the modeling of static aspects, the second part deals with the modeling of dynamic aspects of information systems.

The lecture begins with the definition of models and the advantages of modeling. Then advanced aspects of UML, the entity relationship model (ER model) and logics for modeling static aspects are explained in detail. The relational model and the systematic design of databases based on ER models are also covered. Various types of Petri nets and the associated analysis techniques are presented for modeling dynamic aspects.

Learning objectives:


  • explain the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches to modeling information systems,
  • select a suitable modeling method for a given problem and apply it independently,
  • independently create UML models, ER models and Petri nets,
  • model given facts in propositional and predicate logic and can interpret them,
  • analyze different properties in propositional and predicate logic,
  • create and evaluate relational database schemas and formulate queries in relational algebra.


Industrial engineering / technical economics:

  • Total workload for 4.5 credit points: approx. 135 hours
  • Lecture: 30 hours (15 appointments)
  • Exercise (tutorials): 15 hours (7 appointments)
  • Self-study: 90 hours

Information Management / Business Informatics

  • Total workload for 4 credit points: approx. 120 hours
  • Lecture: 30 hours (15 dates)
  • Exercise (tutorials): 15 hours (7 dates)
  • Self-study: 75 hours
Lecture languageGerman
  • Bernhard Rumpe. Modeling with UML, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
  • R. Elmasri, S. B. Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Pearson Education 2009.
  • W. Reisig. Petri nets, Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Further reading:

  • U. Kastens, H. Kleine Büning. Modeling - Fundamentals and Formal Methods. Carl Hanser Publishing House, 2014
  • J.L. Peterson. Petri Net Theory and Modeling of Systems, Prentice Hall, 1981.
  • U. Schöning. Logic for Computer Scientists. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,