Applied Computer Science - Software Engineering


The lecture gives an overview of essential aspects of the systematic development of large software systems. The following topics are covered:

  • Process models of software development
  • Methods and tools for the development phases: Requirements analysis, system specification, system design, programming and testing

Learning objectives:


  • can explain the basic terms and principles of software engineering,
  • distinguish between the most important process models of software development and name their advantages and disadvantages,
  • can carry out a requirements analysis, create and evaluate use case models,
  • can explain models for system structuring and control as well as architecture principles and create and evaluate component diagrams,
  • know the basic concepts of software quality management and can select and apply suitable software test procedures and assessment procedures in a specific situation.


The total workload for this course unit is approx. 135 hours (4.5 credit points).

  • Lecture 30h
  • Exercise 15h
  • Preparation and follow-up of the lecture 24h
  • Preparation and follow-up of the exercise 25h
  • Exam preparation 40h
  • Exam 1h
Lecture languageGerman
  • H. Balzert. Textbook of Software Engineering. Spektrum Verlag 2008.
  • I. Sommerville. Software Engineering. Pearson Studium 2012.

Further literature will be announced in the lecture.